Wednesday 21 September 2011

Some historic buildings in Larkana city

Some historic places and building in Larkana city.
A glance on the map of Sindh reveals that Larkana, from location point of view enjoys a strategic position. After Karachi, it is largest city on the west bank of river Indus in Sindh. It lies on 27o 33' 40.4" North latitude and 68o 12' 30.8" East longitude at an elevation of about 167 ft from the sea level. The city is located in upper Sindh at a distance of about 85 km south west of Sukkur and about 400 km in north of Karachi. Important towns in the vicinity of Larkana include Dokri, Naudero, Ratodero, Qambar, Bakrani, Shahdadkot, Badah and Miro Khan. 
'Hujaee nano ta ghum Larkano' if you have the money, then visit Larkana. That's one of the most popular sayings by which Larkana has been fampus right from its existence. Known to be a poetic city with a romantic aura in the air, Larkana projected a loving feeling despite the fact that it lacked the beauty or precision seen in Shikarpur or Karachi. Larkana has been famous for the Guawa fruit production. But above and all these descriptions, Larkana derives its historical importance from the fact that it is the actual cradle in Sindh to the mother of all civilisations, namely 'Moen-jo-Daro' or the mound of the Dead, which is located in the vicinity of Larkana.

Larkana was founded about 300y ago by a a tribe of Sindh called "Laraks" on the banks of the Ghaad Waah, which was dug at the behest of the kalhora rulers, it had fruit and flower garden along it and in time settlers lile the sailors from 'Laar' came and settled down here which got the place christened Larkana.

Old Court House- courtesy life in Larkana
Inside View- CMC- Chandka Medical College larkana
It was Friday, the 20th April, 1973 when people of Larkana witnessed an inauguration ceremony of Chandka Medical College. It was the fourth Medical College of the Province. This was the earnest need of upper Sindh. At the time of independence, there was only one Medical College in the province of Sindh i.e. Dow Medical College, Karachi. In 1951,an other Medical Institution in the of Sindh Medical School came into existence, which later on was converted  to Liaquat Medical College, Jamshoro. As both the Medical Colleges were far from upper Sindh, Peoples Particularly the poor had difficulty to go a long way for treatment, so a need for a new college & hospital was long felt to provide the health facility to the area deprived off in the past. Now this college provides facilities not only to upper Sindh but a large adjoining area of Balochistan province and also a part of lower Punjab.

                      “Chandka” was the old name Larkana, that was derived from Chandio tribute which is the oldest tribe residing in this areas. The college was established in a building, which already existed as Government Polytechnic Institute & D.C. High School Larkana, which were converted in to Chandka Medical College, with Prof. Ali Mohammad Ansari as 1st Principal & P.D. the building comprised of ground floor and 1st floor. On the ground floor, in the center there was an Auditorium Hall, with a capacity of 00 persons. The left side block was given to Anatomy and on top of it Physiology was established. On the right of Auditorium Hall, Administration Block was setup with Biochemistry and Girls common room on the top. 


Swimming Pool in Sambara Inn Larkana dating back to early 1972 built  by then Prime Minister Pakistan
Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto primarily for foreign dignitaries on tour to Larkana- courtesy Life in Larkana

Larkana Girls College- Inside View

High Court City Block

Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto (Grand father of Z.A.Bhutto) Library,
 with my friends and foes spent unlimited hours thinking , planning and re-planning silly future plans.
This library was established in 1984 as a result of efforts made by (Late) Mohammad Hashim Memon, Deputy Commissioner Larkana. First phase of library was established in 1976 and 2nd phase in 1993-94. Salient features of this library are as under:

Reference Hall.... Auditorium. Children Section.C.S.S Section.P.C.S Section.Ladies Section.Newspaper & Periodical Section.Books Section / Stack Section – 1.Books Section / stack section – 2.Entry Test section.

About 600 students visit this library daily. Out of them about 5 readers qualify CSS examinations yearly and sufficient students qualify other competitive examinations. v=Dso6T3cWrW0

later addition to sir shah nawaz bhutto library, reading section 

City Court old Block

Moen jo Daro International Airport.. though least look like one a midst constant political imbroglio 

Entrance to Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto Library

Sukarno Tower (presented by Turk President Mustaffa Kamal Atta Turk)

Larkana Railway Station

LINAR- Larkana Institue of Nuclear Medicine And Radiotherpay
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission established LINAR as its fifth Nuclear Medical Centerat Larkana in the year 1978 to provide diagnostic and treatment facilities for benign and malignant diseases to the patients belonging to Upper Sindh, lower Punjab and lower Balauchistan.According to 1998 Census, LINAR covered about 13391 sq km and offer the diagnostic and therapeutic facilities to 16 million population (approx} In 2008 the new cases were registered in nuclear medicine department were 6751 and follow-up patients were 2088 where as in radiotherapy department registration of new patients was 1491 and follow-up was 10453.Larkana Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy (LINAR) is situated on the West Bank of Rice Canal adjacent to Shaikh Zaid Women Hospital. LINAR is spread over an area of9.5 Acres ofland. As it is located in hot zone of the country, the building is centrally Air-conditioned for the convenience of cancer patients. LINAR is equipped with modern instruments required for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients.

City Court old block

 Szabist Larkana campus.
The new campus of SZABIST at Larkana opened in August 2004. It has a covered area of over 86,000 sq. feet and has an air-conditioned custom built auditorium, library, laboratories, classrooms, and cafeteria with separate hostel facilities for girls & boys. Current offering at SZABIST Larkana Campus includes BBA (Day), BS(Day), MBA (Evening) and EMBA.he Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology is a non-profit, publicly and privately funded, Independently chartered, graduate institute of science and technology. It has been established with the objectives of producing highly qualified scientific and technical personnel to meet the country’s requirements; of conducting state-of- the-art scientific and technological research and development in support of the private and public sector; of providing high-tech scientific and technological assistance to the Pakistan industry to enable it to compete with the world industries in global trading; of providing highly trained scientific and technological personnel to be able to attract the growth of high-tech industries and foreign and Pakistani investment; and of providing a sound socio-economic and scientific base and infrastructure to Pakistan to be able to meet the economic and technological challenges of the 21st century.

Larkana-Khairpur Bridge.

The bridge is another story of long delayed project completed after generations.
It is said that Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto had planned to construct five bridges on Indus River to boost economic activities in Sindh Province. The UAE had gifted Naudero Sugar Mills to Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, and he wanted to connect the east and west bank of the Indus to provide logistic support to sugarcane growers, sugar mills, and other commodity traders.
Benazir Bhutto took initiative to fulfil the idea of ZA Bhutto and even allocated funds for the project, but it was again delayed due to change of government.
Finally General Pervez Mushrraf realised that the project will connect Sindh Province to Gwadar and boost the trade activities in upper Sindh. Though design of the project was changed, Pervez Musharaff got the bridge project rolling.

President Asif Ali Zardari performed the inauguration of  Larkana-Khairpur Bridge project on River Indus, near Puranaabad Village in Larkana District.The total cost of the project is Rs 1,444.928 million and has been completed in 30 months’ time.The total length of the bridge is 1.222 kms and it will reduce the distance between Larkana and Khairpur from 128 km to 55 km.

Rice cultivation in Larkana- one among the richest sources

One of the oldest civilization of the world about 5000 years old- Moen-jo-Daro ( the mound of the Dead)

Moen Jo dare or Mohan Jo Daro, is the site of the great Indus civilizationwhich flourished as the earliest Urban culture in 3000 - 1700 BC. Known as Harrappan Culture. We have a large No. of detailed sites well laid by the expert archaeologists. Indus civilization was probably the most advanced urban culture in the past , From the sites we can see the complete planning of the city, a separate area for Administration/ state, a rich residential area, Industrial area and an area for poor or workers. All the streets present an excellent grid system and were maintained with covered drainage , Dustbins and Market places. It is also proved that they had binary system of weights.

The state was very strict. We don't see any difference in weights found from different sites. Taxes were collected in form of wheat, Barley 0r same, and mud pots were sealed to prove the clearance of dues. The used a language with 300 Different semi pictographic characters, which are not read yet. Further details can be read or had from us at any time.


  1. Excellent pictures with brief description... wonderful blog.. I saw these pictures somewhere else but they lacked some history about them that you have done so beautifully.

  2. Lovely information, I love my city Larkana.
